
Tharp celebrates 35th Anniversary!

Tharp Plumbing is proud to be celebrating 35 years of business this month.  The company distinguishes itself from the competition by being entirely debt-free, owning their fleet and property free and clear, and having a bonding capacity of $15 million.  Celebrating 35 years as Central Florida’s “Purveyors of Fine Plumbing” didn’t happen by accident.  It happened because its founder embraced trust, service, integrity and loyalty as the company’s core values and resolved to drive change as customer needs, technology and industry trends evolved. 

Jim Tharp states it best:  “My leadership commitment to clients and employees alike is to take them to the “new normal” with the successful implementation of change needed to increase productivity, capitalize on technology and to produce superior plumbing systems with less.” Through ongoing investments in state of the art technology in estimating, timekeeping, human resources, job costing, labor, accounting, administration, and other key areas, Tharp offers the finest plumbing for the best value to their customers.

Tharp Plumbing’s leadership knows their customer and employee loyalty has helped them reach this 35th anniversary milestone and thanks them for their trust and commitment. There is no better testament to the strengths of Tharp Plumbing Systems than the subsequent evolution of the company in terms of size, diversification and an ever growing client base. They are proud to let their principles, work and client relationships speak for them and look forward to many more successful years of partnering in business together with their customers and employees!