
Employee Monthly Breakfast Boosts Employee Morale

At the most recent, Breakfast at Tharp’s, two employees were the lucky winners of two Orlando Magic home game tickets.  Tharp recently started the first Monday of the month 6:00 a.m. breakfast to enhance communication between the field and the office staff and to show their appreciation to all.  It has served as a wonderful time of fellowship and an opportunity for employees to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. 

Tharp is always looking for ways to enhance their employee morale.  The breakfast was a suggestion of one employee and fit perfectly in with one of Tharp’s goals to improve communication with the employees based on feedback from an employee survey done earlier this year.  Tharp prides itself in having an open door policy with employees and also offers an anonymous suggestion box to keep the communication flowing.  Management continues to strive to make Tharp an awesome place to work for all!